Thursday 22 August 2013

Know Thyself

"Know thyself, for in thyself is to be found all that there is to be known" - old injunction quoted in Alice Bailey's 'The Consciousness of the Atom'

There is so much in this statement.  It really focuses the thought that we need to get out of the Piscean energy of looking outside of ourself for answers.  We need to make soul connection and go inwards for our answers.  This is the essence of esoteric work.  Within us we will find all the answers to everything.  Without knowing ourself, how can we extend ourself out in service to others?  Even reading books etc is just reawakening knowledge and information which is already stored within us.  How do we know something to be our truth?  Why do some things resonate with us and yet others don't?  This is because we already know the answers, and these encounters with information just re-alight what is already inside of us.

So endeavour to know thyself.  It is the most valuable investment you will ever make.

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