Friday, 4 October 2013

Changing Your Mind

We live in a society which doesn’t promote the freeness of changing your mind, or changing your situation.  From a young age, we are asked to set the goal of our destination and guide our boat heedlessly towards it, our hand firmly on the tiller.  We get ourselves into situations we cannot extricate ourselves from, and we find we would like to change our mind, but it is frowned upon by others.  We give in to the herding instinct, the fear of going against what the masses say for fear of ex-communication and persecution.  We have the saying “you’ve made your bed, now you have to lie in it” but why should we put up with a situation we know isn’t right for us?  We need to think of ourselves as Goldilocks.  We may need to try a few different beds.  Go through the hard option and the soft option until, with experience, and though deliberation and connecting to our soul and knowing our path, we choose the one that is ‘just right’.  The one aligned to our soul.  It may be that the destination is the same as we imagined, but perhaps the journey to get there goes via a route we never dreamed of, or we may find ourselves in unchartered waters.  That’s the beauty of the soul journey!
What bed are you ‘laying in’ which isn’t aligned to your soul purpose?  Can you find the courage to try another one?

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