Friday 23 August 2013

Discipline – the personality struggle

In esoteric circles, the word ‘disciple’ is used for the aspirant on the spiritual path.  This is not used in the religious context, but rather in the ‘follower of a school of thought’ definition1.  The word disciple conveys just what is needed – discipline.  In order to progress on our spiritual path and to master the three lower bodies (etheric, emotional and mental) we need a huge amount of discipline.  In order to follow the path of soul and progress with ascension and the mastery of our lessons, we need to be disciplined in thought and action.  This can prove to be one of our biggest struggles as the personality will rebel against it.  In order to ascend and achieve a soul-merge, the personality has to step aside and eventually be dissolved.  Why therefore, would it want to allow us to get rid of it?  So it puts up a fight, it allows us to be consumed by it, and to be distracted from our spiritual path.  Meditation is key to our spiritual advancement.  In this matter, Djwhal Khul through Alice Bailey is quoted as saying:  “may it not be truly said, if any one claims not to be able to find fifteen minutes out of the one thousand four hundred and forty minutes which constitute a day, that they are not interested? Fifteen minutes can always be found, if the will is on the side of the effort”.2

In what ways are you letting your personality –self distract you from your path?  Try to see if you can find 15 minutes to make some soul contact today.  This mantra may help: THE WILL OF THE SOUL IS MY WILL.


1 Free dictionary by Farlex

2 From Intellect to Intuition – Alice A Bailey

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