Tuesday 27 August 2013

Seed Thoughts

A seed thought is just what it says, a seed or a kernel, which, under the right circumstances has the potential to unlock all the hidden treasures within and blossom forth into something greater than itself.  Within the smallest seed lies the potential for great things.

A seed thought is a few words or a sentence which is taken into meditation, reflected upon within the light of the soul, and then unlocked for our soul to pour forth the contained wisdom back into our lower mind.
The wisdom contained in a seed thought is not necessarily to be unlocked in one moment of blinding inspiration, a eureka! or a-ha! Moment (though this is not impossible) but rather one will find that with consistent effort in consecutive meditation sessions, another piece of the puzzle will unfold, another facet will be glimpsed and another layer of the wisdom discovered.  Much like peeling back the layers of an onion, each occasion of effort will reveal the next level of understanding and insight.

Much like "the will of the soul is my will" is a seed thought to ponder and reflect on, try this one: "I am the soul, the soul am I".  Take this thought into meditation every day and see the layers of wisdom unfold.  This one is quite a powerful seed thought and you might be surprised at what gets revealed.  I was!

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