Friday 30 August 2013


“Don’t waste your time on jealousy.  Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind, the race is long and in the end, it is only with yourself” – Mary Schmich

I love this quote.  Mary Schmich wrote it as part of some advice to a class of graduates in 1999.  It was popularised in a song called ‘Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen’.  If you haven’t come across it, I recommend a read – there is some wonderful advice in her words.

Jealousy is an interesting concept.  We live in a very material world where jealousy seems to be bred into us at a young age.  We even have the well-known couple – The Jones’ to keep up with!  But jealousy extends far beyond material possessions.  We can be jealous of others for non-physical reasons – even down to being jealous of someone in a spiritual sense – they seem more ‘enlightened’, they meditate more, they seem to have better intuition etc. etc. the list can be endless.

I feel Mary has it right though – the race is long and in the end it is only with yourself.  We need to learn not to compare ourselves to others and what they’re doing, what they have etc. etc.  We need to be centred in ourself and follow what is fulfilling and nurturing to us alone and not even entertain what others are doing , or how what we are doing may seem to them.  By standing in the self, it will remove you from the glamour and competitiveness in the world, and that in turn will allow others to free themselves of it too.

When we choose to live our life as soul, and to follow our soul guidance, everything will be in perfect balance and timing for us to master our lessons with grace and ease.  We will have exactly what we need in the moment we need it.  Therefore jealousy is taken out of the equation.  We are each on our own unique soul journey, so why should we worry about what anyone else is getting up to or what they have?  Our journey, our experience, is perfect for us, right here, right in this moment, in this time and space which we call now; and as every moment is ‘now’, everything is always perfect, isn’t it?!?

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