Wednesday 28 August 2013

The soul and the monad

I’d like to talk a little about the soul and the monad.  This picture is called the ‘chart of the divine self’ and is sold by The Summit Lighthouse (  It can be useful to visualise this picture as we talk about the communication channel between the soul extension (personality), the soul and the monad.


God/source/creator (however you feel comfortable terming this) wanted to send its light out into the 3rd dimensional world, the earth.  So it sent out sparks known as monads or spirits.  This is our I AM presence and is our god-self.  There are an infinite number of monads.  In the picture above you will see the monad at the top of the picture, surrounded by the causal rings.  These are the store house of everything we have ever experienced and mastered in all of our lifetimes. 

In order to be able to experience incarnation in a 3rd dimensional, low vibratory world, the monadic energy had to be slowed down.  Otherwise it would be like trying to plug the light bulb in our house directly into the power station creating electricity.  It would explode.  Therefore the electricity needs to be stepped down and converted before it reaches our house and the fitting we can plug the bulb into.  Our soul (the white middle figure in the picture) was created as the individual aspect of us that is in permanent contact with the monad and creator.  It is the mediator between our personality self and our spiritual god-self.  Each monad has 12 souls attached to it, and each of those souls has 12 soul extensions attached. Our intuition is information from our soul dropping into our conscious mind.  Of course, we can choose to ignore our soul and live only from the personality and ego self. 

The energy should flow from god/source, through our monad, through our soul and then come into our energy field and into the heart centre.  When we have this clear communication channel, we experience flow in our life and are in tune with our soul’s purpose.

The information exchange is a bit like a jigsaw puzzle.  The monad has the full picture of where we have been and where we are going.  The soul has part of the picture, and attracts to us the people and situations we need for us to master our lessons and evolve spiritually on our path.  Our personality self, on its own is almost fumbling around in the dark, it cannot see the bigger picture as it is not illumined.  We need to connect in with our soul so that we can merge with it and start living from the place of the soul.  We need to master our lower bodies for the soul to fully be able to integrate with our physical body.
It is easy to picture the god/source - monad - soul - soul extension progression in this picture:

In this way you will clearly see that you, as an individual soul extension, in incarnation upon the earth, have 11 other members in your soul family, and 143 other members in your monadic family.  Every time you are working on mastering a spiritual lesson, you are not only affecting yourself, you are also affecting the other members of your soul family and monadic family.  You are never alone!


  1. Good day divine atmas. Quite an interesting and mind boggling info. Thanks.

  2. Hello :) thank you for this information. Is there a source for this? or where I can find more information on soul aspects/extensions? I have met one, and I would like more information about what he is to me exactly. As in is he simply an extension of me? Thanks!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. PeAce¥! There is no real you, you only think that you exist! "1" I AM.
